Somaliland has been abuzz off late!Be it in London Somali cafes or the dusty streets and khat dungeons back home, most Somalilanders are left rubbing their hands in anti cipation.This is largely due to the coverage of there cently signed Berbera port contract between DP World and Somaliland. Ithas been un avoidable for those of us who keep to tabs with the news pertaining to our beloved Horn.This latest scoopby Somaliland has been widely coveredon Somali media and even on the international stage via prominent media outlets.  The excitement surrounding this deal,along side the much drooled overoil activities set to commence later this year, has filled many Somalilander,both at home and abroad with hope.At this point, it is not myintention to be a Debbie downer by downplaying the significance of the deals as they unfold, butone must comprehensively contextualize their impact.  More specifically speaking, the DP World contractought to be scrutinized and thrust forth intomore transparent realms by the Government.  Currently as it stands, all we Somalilanders know is that DP world are approaching which aggression and intend to be ‘bullish’ in their Berbera undertakings. This isas per the confession made during the press conference which was donepost their executive team executing a familiarization tour in Somaliland. Honestly, just watch it and you can’t help but detect an element of bullying in their remarks. So heatedly are we being come on to, that one can’t quite help feel likes omething is imbalanced amidst all this. Berbera port has apreciousness that is concealed from most of Somaliaand truly only known to her ‘bullish’pursuant.     Despite dis heartening attempts by the government to clamp down on any journalists who dare question the deal, the public shouldn’t shy away from posing more throbbing questions. For a starter, most may not know this but four years back, Somaliland was on the cusp of signing a similar deal with Glencore for double the amount agreed to by DP World.  We are talking of a deal that stood to amount in excess of $1.3 billion.The concerning questions for me as a Somalilander remains why now? Why the hefty compromise in figures? Could this be a better late than never deal hastily done with the end of regime tenure in mind? Worse still is, why curtail the access levels for those who want a mere generic understanding of the deal? Letalone the mandatory zooming in of what the terms and conditions entail as should be the standard procedure. Mind you the Berbera MPs explicitly requested for the contents but their efforts sadly remain futile.     Would it be too much for the government to provide better dis closure and in doing socurb any vocal critics via facts in place of jailing? How about a simple comparing and contrasting of the two projects? What we are calling for as Somalilanders is for less my stery to shroud the deals and yes this includes the parliament and competent civil societies having access to details. Lest we forgetn otthe structure in place endorses the idea of with holding contracts from the Parliament as was evident several years back when the Oil blocks were signed off to Genel and their likes.     Yes,projects of this magnitudes hould be welcomed and applauded to some extent,but unless its intricate doings come to surface, the Government will continue to subject it self to continual questioning. And untilless shady personnel are mandated with the task of overseeing the project implementation,the Emirati $$$ pouringin will cause a serious and irreparable rift between Somalilanders. We say until these pressing issues are tackled,there will remain a segment of Somalis hovering with seeking to uproot those who harbor ill and gluttonous intents. In this era of exposure, Ishall refrain from finger pointing and calling out names,but it is no secret that some of the folk who are steering this entire project are notonly building for tified mega palaces, but more worryingly they have been known to have a soft spot for corrupt dealings in the not too distant past.        Berbera is a crowning jewel to the wider geopolitical interest of both the Gulf nations and the West in addition to being a potential gate way to the rest of Africa on mightier levels.  Some would even argue that if played more shrewdly, the Berbera portal card could be used asalaunch pad for amore strategicand less forgiving recognition lobbying campaign.Starting with the powers that be in the AU, Somaliland need not forget factoring in her coastal importance to African commerce in decades to come. Look no further than the very Ethiopia where the AU is head quartered, Ethiopia,which standsto gain untold economical benefits from being the primary nation outside Somaliland to thriveoff projects of this ilk. With that in mind, I urge the Somaliland Government to place heavier emphasis on this angle and utilise their leverage when having discussions in AU and IGAD circles.     Last but not least, we have to ensure once the election takes place next year, there should be areliable systemin place which oversees the transition.For progress and prosperity to be facilitated in Somaliland, a financially crystal clear mechanism should be left behind by the incumbent. As alien a concept this may seem to the current regime, it is a strong possibilitythey may vacate the seat. There fore,in order to avoid chaos and potential looting of resources,we urgethat these concernsbe incorporated in our National Election Manifesto.As has previously been the norm, we as a nation can no longer afford the usual information vacuum created once power is shifted.  The government finds it self in new financial terrain,a territory that involvessigning mega projects that risk national assets.Come 2017, we expecta flurry of activities to beunder way and this should not be jeopardized by incompetence and greed. If indeed the baton is to be handed over to new comers, then let it be known,citizens ofSomalilandshall NOTtolerate it to be ina manner that reeks with systematic abuse of power. Otherwiseif we sit aside,this will only lead onto misappropriation of funds becoming even more rampant. As an observant citizen, my impending fear stems from the possibility ofthe incoming Government to seek only fortheir slicewhen it comes to the Somaliland pie.  In conclusion, revenue deriving from these projects must be well managed and its impact has to manifest it self on the ground. Gone are the days where by Somalilanders will just stand aside as spectators. To those handling our affairs on such a scale,let it be known that any thing short of accountability, will be met with the wrath of disgruntled citizens. After all it is us the citizens who OWN Somaliland.        Adam Saed Noor (Goray)  Gudoomiye kuxigeenka qaarada yurub ee Xisbiga UCID.


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